情人節催生了一系列婚禮策劃。這些十億美元級富豪們向我們展示了在沒有金錢限制時婚禮的「模樣」。情人節當天,一件來自 Tiffany、Cartier 或 DeBeers 的小小珠寶往往就會使狂熱的准新娘和她們的母親投入到紛繁的婚禮策劃工作中去。如果是一位十億美元級富豪向一位幸運的女孩求婚,那麼要考慮的就不僅僅是選擇哪種口味的蛋糕那麼簡單了。主要為超級富豪們服務的婚禮策劃師 Cheryl Clisby 表示:「當無需考慮金錢因素時,禮服和珠寶往往會成為區分十億美元級富豪和百萬富豪的標誌。百萬富豪往往借用珠寶,而十億美元級富豪則會購買。」
目前分類:倫敦新聞 (14)
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 12:58
- Feb 26 Thu 2009 12:33
這個星期,英國出現了兩個性格背景極端不同,但同時廣受全國矚目的年輕女性。繼以電視真人實境秀無知愚蠢聞名的潔.古蒂(Jade Goody),在癌症末期,演出生命最後一場實境大秀後,牛津大學生吉兒.川波(Gail Trimble)因為在電視益智節目中表現超優,被喻為英國最聰明的女孩,並成為男性們新偶像。
現年廿六歲,牛津大學(Corpus Christi學院」博士班學生吉兒.川波,與其他三位同學代表學校參加英國益智性節目《大學挑戰》時,在總計一千二百卅五分中,個人獨得八百廿五分,創下該節目開播近半世紀來的紀錄。
- Feb 11 Wed 2009 16:49
被牙醫拔掉8顆牙 女童拒食餓死
- Nov 21 Fri 2008 15:45
The Taiwan Cinefest London
UAL Taiwanese Society
- Sep 15 Mon 2008 16:13
- Jan 01 Tue 2008 23:09
Welcome 2008 London
London Firework 2007 跨年倒數活動
- Dec 29 Sat 2007 06:53
- Jul 17 Mon 2006 08:47
Awards for London's latest top architecture
Twenty-two buildings across London have received top architectural awards from the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).
- Jul 17 Mon 2006 08:01
The RA's Summer Exhibition
- Jul 17 Mon 2006 07:49
London's Cartoon Museum
The Cartoon Museum which has opened in central London has more than 1,200 examples of British cartoons including this wartime classic, All Behind You.
- Jul 16 Sun 2006 02:51
Up and Coming exhibitions
The Central St. Martins Degree Show 2006
opens to the public on Saturday the 24th of June through to July the 1st (excluding Sunday) from 12-4pm on Saturday and 12-8pm during the week.
- May 14 Sun 2006 22:12
A couple from Leicester have been given permission by the fertility watchdog to have a "saviour sibling" in a bid to help their sick 20-month-old daughter.
Charlotte Mariethoz has the rare blood condition diamond blackfan anaemia and doctors say she needs a stem cell transplant from a genetic match. Her parents will now use IVF to try to have a "designer baby" to save her. In 2004, a British boy with the same disorder was saved by cells from a baby brother born after embryo selection. Michelle and Jayson Whitaker from Chesterfield had Jamie, a saviour sibling for their son Charlie after flying to the US to have the treatment there. Charlotte has already undergone a number of blood transfusions, and is at risk of further complications including a risk of developing a form of leukaemia. Without a transplant she would need further blood transfusions and steroids, her parents Catherine and Charlie have been told by doctors. Mrs Mariethoz said: "This is the first step in the right direction. Obviously there is a long way to go yet. "We hope this decision will now help other families in similar situations."
- Apr 29 Sat 2006 11:03
UBS Openings: The Long Weekend
Friday 26 May – Monday 29 May 2006